Digital Signature Certificate in Chennai
Digital Signature is a mathematical design for indicating the
authentication of digital messages or documents.
With security features such as two factor authentications, identification
verification, and SMS pass-code, Secured Signing offers multiple levels of
security to identify the signer.
Digital Signature certificate is based on cryptography technology. We use PKI(Public Key Infrastructure)
user based digital signature in Chennai technology. Each digital
signature is unique to the signer and the document, you cannot copy and paste
the signature from one document to another.
If any changes are made to the document or the signature after signing
is complete, then the signature and documents are invalid.
GST stands for Goods and Services Tax. It is an indirect tax throughout
India collect by central and state government which had replaced all other
previous indirect taxes (e.g. VAT, CST, Service tax etc.).
The digital signature is required for GST registration and Digital Signature for GST filing in India. Under GST, all documents submitted to
the Government including GST registration applications or documents uploaded to
the GST common portal must be digitally signed.
Source: Digital Signature Certificate